Energy Modeling
Energy modeling is all about the numbers. Energy analysis is about making sense of the numbers. We strive to present our analysis in a manner that is clear and provides our customers with the information and understanding they need to make decisions.
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Codes & Standards
Energy codes and standards are primary drivers of realizing energy savings. We provide analysis of new code measures, strategic direction on achieving policy goals, and development of innovative concepts.
Our team's experience includes:
Developing performance-based code compliance approaches and associated technical documentation
Developing code compliance software
Analyzing measure-based changes to the code and evaluating projected energy savings and cost effectiveness based on large-scale parametric energy simulations
Calculating statewide saving projections for code updates as a whole, and at the individual measure level
Managing statewide teams of subject matter experts to contribute to statewide projects
Hosting and participating in public workshops to solicit stakeholder feedback
Developing technical reports and white papers
Training & Outreach
We provide training on energy modeling and code requirements. We also lead market outreach efforts to bring stakeholders together, share information, and develop market-ready energy-saving approaches.
Our team's experience includes:
Providing energy modeling training to hundreds of practitioners across the state of CA, ranging from novices to experts
Developing the curriculum, training content, and example models that serve as the basis for training sessions
Delivering training in-person, on-line, or via recorded videos
Incorporating attendee feedback to constantly refine the training content
Utility Program Consulting
Utility incentive and efficiency programs are key motivators for market transformation. Our research and analysis provides data to inform program design, measure evaluation, and development of streamlined workflows for performance-based programs
Our team's experience includes:
Evaluating whole-building-performance utility incentive programs energy modeling rules, reporting, and workflows
Analyzing future code requirements as part of the Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) process. These projects consisted of researching new efficiency measures, interviewing relevant stakeholders (manufacturers, design
professionals, contractors), and performing detailed energy modeling analysis of
the measure to determine the optimal efficiency levels for new code